New Probo features: Specific PHP Versions & .htaccess controls

We are excited to announce a couple new features for Probo customers this week: we now have 3 versions of our standard image to support various versions of PHP without having to run updates during the build process, and we now support .htaccess controls, to prevent unwanted viewing of your probo environments.

Probo now has new images for PHP 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1

While some of our customers have been able to figure out that they can update their PHP versions within the .probo.yaml configuration, it’s not ideal. For a while we have still been using the default PHP package within Ubuntu 14.04 to serve PHP. This has lead to longer build times for those customers updating to PHP7 than should be necessary and we wanted to fix that.

We are pleased to announce that as of the Probo v3.10.0 release we have switched to using the ppa:ondrej/php PHP packages for all Probo environments. These PPA packages allow for co-installable PHP versions for PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 and most requested extensions are included. This allows for any of these versions of PHP to be installed on any currently supported version of Ubuntu. These changes are in preparation for our next release, where we plan on adding support for Ubuntu 16.04 images.

Start using the specific PHP version you need within your Probo environment by adding one of the following lines as the first line of your .probo.yaml file in your Probo project.

image: proboci/ubuntu-14.04-lamp:php-5.6
image: proboci/ubuntu-14.04-lamp:php-7.0
image: proboci/ubuntu-14.04-lamp:php-7.1

Environment Basic Auth

In a previous blog post, we mentioned that we had added basicAuth as a configuration setting to the .probo.yaml file. We apologize for any confusion, as that feature did not actually make it into our previous release, but we are happy to say that basicAuth has been included in the latest Probo v3.10.0 release.

Probo.CI users are now able secure their Probo environment from public viewing and search engine spiders via .htaccess protection by adding the following line to the .probo.yaml file in any Probo-enabled Git repository.

  username: foo
  password: 123