PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 Images Available for Public Testing

We have finished our internal testing on some new Docker images for Probo.CI, and Probo Docker Images for PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 were made available for public testing on Feb. 5th, 2020. The new images are also running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with updated packages and pre-installed tools.

The new images are a full rewrite of our image deployment process using a Dockerfile to automate the build process on the Docker Hub instead of manually building the images. This migration process took a bit longer than we expected to complete, but we should be able to release more frequent updates to our images moving forward since they are now automated builds on the Docker Hub.

These new PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 images should be considered “beta” until we officially add them to our Probo Docker Images documentation page, so please report any issues you have using the new images. We will also follow up with another blog post when they are officially considered “stable”. The new image names and examples of how to add these images to your .probo.yaml file can be found below.

PHP 7.3 Image


Add the following line or update the existing image name in your .probo.yaml file to enable PHP 7.3 for your Probo builds.

image: proboci/ubuntu:18.04-php7.3

PHP 7.4 Image


Add the following line or update the existing image name in your .probo.yaml file to enable PHP 7.4 for your builds.

image: proboci/ubuntu:18.04-php7.4

We will be releasing some additional images that use our new Docker Hub automated builds setup in the coming months to standardize things a bit more and for the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 release.