PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 Images Stable in Probo.CI

In February, Probo.CI began public testing for PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 images. While their inclusion was considered beta at the time, both are now officially supported! They’ve been added to our Probo Docker Images documentation page, and are considered stable.

As we stated in the beta stage, we will continue to release additional images that use our new Docker Hub automated builds setup to aid standardization and account for the recent Ubuntu 20.04 release. Be sure to keep up with our documentation pages, and the Probo blog as changes are made!

Below are example instances to help you get started!

PHP 7.3 Image


Add the following line or update the existing image name in your .probo.yaml file to enable PHP 7.3 for your Probo builds.

image: proboci/ubuntu:18.04-php7.3

PHP 7.4 Image


Add the following line or update the existing image name in your .probo.yaml file to enable PHP 7.4 for your builds.

image: proboci/ubuntu:18.04-php7.4